4 Things Every Home Owner Should Know About Pet Turf
March 15, 2018
Artificial Grass and the Environment
April 26, 2018PLACE OF ORIGIN
Most consumer products are mandated by the Canadian Protection Agency to clearly mark the place of origin for consumer awareness. However, doing a google search shows clearly that most artificial grass purveyors carrying on business in Canada omit advertising the place of origin, however 90% artificial grass companies operating in Canada only sell Chinese made artificial grass. A good portion of the 90% of operators will place Canadian flags next to their product lines attempting to mislead and misinform the buying public giving the perception their products are safe for public consumption. With the ruse on concealing the place of origin these operators get away with commanding higher prices from their unsuspecting Canadian customers. The inherent problem with buying from an Overseas manufacturer is that they are totally unregulated, no scrutiny or oversight whatsoever in the production of their goods. There is a lengthy list of goods produced in China being sold to Canadian consumers having found to have elevated levels of heavy metals and or toxic chemicals. Only recently was it revealed, that thousands of customers who purchased laminate flooring made in China and sold by large box retailers throughout Canada found dangerously elevated levels of the cancer-causing substance formaldehyde. For those that want the full story check out the link https://www.cnn.com/2016/03/22/health/health-effect-laminate-wood-flooring/index.html It goes without saying if kids are playing on the Chinese made artificial grass make sure they scrub their hands really well after each time playing.LEAD IN ARTIFICIAL GRASS
Every manufacturer of artificial grass claims their products are lead-free giving the perception their products are completely safe for pets and children.90% of manufacturers don’t want customers to uncover the manufacturing details and simply gloss over or completely avoid mentioning this critical feature in their solicitations.
90% of manufacturer’s actually do use lead in order to bind the color (most use acceptable levels) to their fibers, however the real concern might be in a totally unregulated environment there’s really no way to know of the actual lead levels.
Look closely at the fine print of all warranties! Many of these warranties are flimsy at best. You’ll probably find that after the 8-years are up, there’s very little covered in years 9 and 10. If you’re comparing an 8-year warranty to either a 10 or 15-year warranty, it’s not apples to apples. A reputable company with a proven track record like uses only the finest quality materials and workmanship in order to avoid warranty issues. Be concerned and often overlooked when having a sub-contractor install your grass as too often they are “here today and gone tomorrow”. For the average homeowner it’s almost an impossible task to track down overseas manufacturers for warranty issues.CHEAP RESINS
Some synthetic grass, especially turf that’s made in China, uses cheap-grade resins which can fade, melt (due to poor UV stabilizers in the resin) or wear prematurely (due to excessive fillers). Many failures have occurred of foreign and some US artificial grasses as early as three to four years.Should an investigation of which artificial grass to purchase does not include promoting the quality and source of their resin (the key component to making a strong fiber) should probably look elsewhere.
North American artificial grass manufacturer’s and manufacturers residing in China never include details of physical addresses of their facilities or provide a description how their fibers are made “yarn extrusion”. 99% of manufacturers don’t make their own fibers in-house instead opting to buy cheaper fibers from China and tuft them in the US and call their products a North American product.Our Dadeville, Alabama facility, machines extrude the full range of polyethylene, polypropylene and nylon yarns, which also include multi-shape and dual-color spinneret monofilament yarns, and the exclusive range of mono-tape fibers. The Chatsworth, Georgia manufacturing plant houses the tufting, urethane coating, and “Easy-Bac” operations for ProGreen Canada.